
Wine Mgaloblishvili is a new winery located on the outskirts of Tbilisi, towards the eastern wine region of Kakheti. With a focus on European-style wines and a future expansion into wines produced using the traditional kvevri method, the winery aims to carve its niche in the market.

The brand strategy of Wine Mgaloblishvili seeks to harmoniously blend these two key elements of the company. It is anchored by a classic serif logo seamlessly combined with a cross-shaped brandmark. This distinctive symbol draws inspiration from the elegant shape of grapes and the winery’s strategic position at the junction of multiple regions. The irregular edges of the brandmark further contribute to the ambiance of artisanship and the rich heritage of local wine culture.

In essence, Wine Mgaloblishvili’s branding represents a fusion of European sophistication and traditional Georgian winemaking practices. It conveys a sense of heritage, quality, and meticulous craftsmanship that resonates with wine enthusiasts and showcases the winery’s commitment to producing exceptional wines.

Project in collaboration with Tetragon Studio